Brillante Triunfo de Julieta Sainz en la Copa Internacional Levorin en San Joao do Rei, Brasil.
Felicitaciones Juli, tremendo logro para el MTB argentino!!

Brillante Triunfo de Julieta Sainz en la Copa Internacional Levorin en San Joao do Rei, Brasil.
Felicitaciones Juli, tremendo logro para el MTB argentino!!
A new edition of Pinto River Challenge was held at La Cumbre, Cordoba, for 29 and 30 April and 1 May.
With the almost 5000 riders, the event continued at the highest level, and become the most important in the cycling annual calendar.
As several editions, Venzo maintained its prominence both at the fair and sports performance.
Interactive game
Venzo ordered his space thinking of giving a differential attractive to 25,000 visitors to the event meets during the weekend.
In addition to product displays (bicycles and accessories), it was carried out by activation in a game that came interaction between the public and brand merchandising material giving as a gift.
Models exhibited
In conjunction with the new Shimano XTR and XT, Venzo exhibited the following bicycle models:
In addition Venzo ordered a second space in a co branding strategy with Fiat & Mopar brands, which not only presented the specific bikes for this proposal but also a new activation; in which case the game demanded a little exercise, offering in return merchandising of both brands.
The Race
In sport, apart from some setbacks own circuit, Team Venzo managed to take 17 podiums in Challenge; highlighting Inés Gutiérrez (1° en Damas Elite, 2° en cat. General), Romina Gutiérrez (2° en Damas Elite), Alejandra de Bernardi (1° en Damas C), Julieta Sainz (2° en Damas Menores), Carlos Medina (1° en Máster A1) and Gabriel Facchín (2° en Máster A2).
Contento gracias a dios tuve la suerte de ganar la primera carrera del año tanti cosquin , tanti! Muy linda carrera ,mucha montaña pero rapida y dura ! Exelente organizacion mucha gente , Agradesco a Venzo Team, Patricia Karabitian, por su apoyo incondicional, a mi entrenador Andrey Sartasov, a tosos los ciclistas y familiares que siempre estan alentandome a mi novia, mi hijo Samuel Correa y la pequeña Valeen Ferro por el aguante !!Y contento tambien por compartir podio con exelentes personas y amigos! Abrazos y besos a todosssssssss!